'Check out more Bowflex workouts here: https://goo.gl/jkjFMm Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP If you have a home, then you have a home gym. If you have a body, then you can do bodyweight exercises. It\'s really that simple. Put the two together and you have one of the secrets to staying in shape for a lifetime. This video shows you how to do 5 simple exercises: Crunch, Plank, Push-up, Squat, and Lunge. All five can be done at home with no equipment and can be modified to provide a challenge for any fitness level. Here are some videos that show how to do modifications for each for each of these exercises: Crunch - 12 Different Ab Exercises for Your Ab Workout https://youtu.be/AeSsQGTOMHw Plank - 5 Planks for killer Abs https://youtu.be/GsBVdX6cTik Push-up - 10 Push-ups to Get You Ripped https://youtu.be/3bRBgYDFZWw Squats - The Four-Minute Leg-Toning Workout https://youtu.be/suKWN2EOmDI Lunges - Four Lunges to Tone Your Legs https://youtu.be/I0m0m6UCJFI Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL Quick workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C http://www.Bowflex.com - Find all the fitness solutions you\'ll ever need to get on your way to being a healthier you. http://www.BowflexInsider.com - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health and find simple ways to start losing weight.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Health , at home workout , fitness tips , bodyweight exercises , bodyweight , at home exercises , tom holland , bowflex , fitness video , crunch , plank , Push Up , squat , lunge , easy exercises , push-up , exercising at home , exercises video
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